Sunday, July 06, 2008

Think about the benefits ...

Doing this little first step ... oh yeah, this can be soooo hard. Either it is starting to prepare a presentation or just getting out of bed early. I know that I will feel good after I have done the first step ... but just doing it ... ahhhhh. But I have learned during the last couple of months to focus on the outcome. It is still not a habit, but it will be. The day is soooo much better when you get up early or you have done something that costs you quite a bit of effort. It will definitely energize you.
February 2008 after 8 hours of coding with a STAR, no wonder I have red eyes :D

Just yesterday I read another chapter in Anthony Robbins first book (I think) Unlimited Power. The name of the chapter is Anchoring yourself to Success. And it is just so true. To brace oneself or as we say in german " ... den inneren Schweinehund ueberwinden ;o)" ... just do the first little step. For me the anchor is making a fist and saying to myself (or sometimes loud) yes, c'mon, you can do it.

I did some networking yesterday and updated my ecademy profile. I am a little bit proud of it that I finally did it. It is amazing what kind of snowball reaction you start immediately. Yes, most of the emails you get are automatized, but it is a good way to get in contact with other people, which is still not easy for me ;o) And one of the messages I received contained the following poem which I would like to share with you (I got the permission ;o) ) Enjoy your day and think positive ...

The Dream
A man lay on his bed at the end of his life waiting to die.
His dream came to pay his last respects and bid farewell to the man who had never used it.
As it entered the room the man looked down in shame.
"Why did you not realise me ?" the dream asked.
"Because I was afraid," the man said.
"Afraid of what," said the dream.
"I was afraid I would fail."
"But haven't you failed by not attempting to use me?".
"Yes I did, but I always thought there would be tomorrow."
"You Fool!" said the dream" Did it never occur to you that there was only ever today? the moment that you are in right now?
Do you think that now that death is here that you can put it off until tomorrow?".
"No". said the man, a tear gently rolling down his cheek.
The dream was softer now, because it knew that there were two types of pain, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret, and while discipline weighs ounces , regret weighs pounds.
Then the dream leant forward to gently wipe away the tear and said, " You need only have taken the first step and I would have taken one to meet you, for the only thing that ever separated us was the belief in your mind that you couldn't have me".
Then they said goodbye and they both died.
Mark Baker

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