Thursday, July 17, 2008

Build on your successes ...

yes, every little success needs to be celebrated. I tend to play my successes down, although it might be a big achievement, like finishing my engineer degree back in Germany. I've never really celebrated it, because the situation I felt like in was starting new again. And now I am on my way to get a PhD ... and still there are days where I am not proud of it what I have done. Why is that? Because I am comparing myself with others. I see them going on holidays, I see them doing stuff I would like to do and I still can't afford it OR I have bigger dreams and I don't allow myself to rest until I achieve. A gratification in between, would put be some steps back again ... it doesn't matter in what. I am building a base now on which I can build on when I have finished my PhD. Is it my network full of people, is it my work as an entrepreneur, or is it just putting some money aside instead of spending it right now. My time will come.

It is a hard way, with lots of up and downs ... and celebrating every little step I have done, keeps me motivated. How I celebrate? Sometime a glas of wine or sometimes just trying to have a day off. (Sorry, I still don't see the fun in going shopping, hehe).

So, what kind of successes did I achieve so far? I am a known inofficial member of XL. People recognize me on events. Sounds weird, but I think that is a good sign ;o) People contact me and want to work with me. Boutique Wineries is growing. You don't see it in the everyday work, more when you look back, what we have achieved during the last year. I am on a good way to finish my PhD. The periods that I feel up and motivated are longer now. Yes, there are still down periods, but changing habits is a long process :P Further on I realize that people in my team are growing and achieving something as well and that the support for each other is immense.

I celebrate everyday I have done my MITs and I ticked a lot of my todo-lists. I celebrate I get organized. I celebrate after every meeting (because I am always soooo nervous before them). I celebrate every single baby step I do towards my goals ... as Leo says in his blog
After a couple of months, your tiny steps will add up to a lot of progress and a lot of success ...

Thanks for taking the time and reading it.
Have a wonderful day! :o)

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