Sunday, January 27, 2008

Still not enough words to explain ...

Every great river is surrounded by tributaries. When a new source of value or a new form of leverage is found, it soon becomes clear that the wealthy do not become wealthy by making others poor. They become wealthy by making others wealthy. - "Your Life Your Legacy" by Roger Hamilton
According to Markus' comment, it might be, that I haven't chosen the right words. I still have to say, of course it is about money. Without money, no food and no shelter. And I am getting sick of it to fight every month to pay the bills. The great system which was set up by any government in the world a couple of decades ago, cannot give the security anymore, as it was made for. No job is safe ... just look at the current case of Nokia in Germany. The system I mean is, getting said when u can take holidays and how long for, when you can have lunch and in most cases, the boss decides on how much money you get at the end.

But why should someone else decide about my life? I want to be responsible for my life. And therefore I prefer freedom over the so called security. I am ready to move beyond job security and begin to find my own world of financial freedom.
The only difference between a rich person and a poor person is what they do in their spare time. - Rich Dad (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

What about my passion of science? I still love my proteins. After two years in my PhD I have seen, read and experienced cutting edge research. There are parts I am disappointed in, some are inspiring and some are sad. Then we have Craig Venter, just puzzling together the first artificial organism. And what do common people actually see at the end? The gap is just growing like mad. Who can follow all this? What does the media tell you? What is the truth? What is reality? I think, there is something odd? There is a group of people out there doubting that HIV causes AIDS.

I am currently in a kind of transition state, reviewing all my beliefs and asking myself, why do I believe this and that? Mostly it is because someone told me or I read it in books or just low self-confidence. But isn't that weird? There is a system set up that teaches us what we have to believe. Everyone has his/her own reality, living in her/his own world of his/her own beliefs. And I believe, for living you don't need a job, like everybody else says.

Hopefully I will get clearer with my words, it might be still quite confusing. But thoughts are just coming and going. Still tricky to catch them and put them down.

Have a great weekend! Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy :o)

All words are mirrors - Robert Kyiosaki

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Please, everything, but no job ... ;)

Here is a brilliant eye opener. This blog reminds me every day, why I am doing what i am doing. I am not talking about my PhD. It is more the work I am doing in BoutiqueWineries. Or the projects I have started with Stephane.
I commited to this PhD 2 years ago, and I will finish it. But then ... I want to rock as I like. Because I have a dream. The dream to become financially free. And a job is definitely not the way to do it. It might be a temporary solution, but not the final one.

There are so many people outthere with a dream, but they let other people put them down. "No, don't be silly, you can't do that!" or "You need a job, otherwise you won't have money". It is just not true, It is hard to change beliefs, I know that. A belief is only a thought that keep you thinking. I changed the way I think last year and it definitely opened my eyes and I can see so many opportunities now ... it is amazing.

Yes, the PhD is limiting me right now, I agree for that. And sometimes I feel this is sooo useless. Disciplined as I am, I will finish it. How german is that :D Today I will have a meeting with my team from BoutiqueWineries again. It is always good to keep the big goal in front of you, otherwise you get lost in all these little tasks and you don't see why you are doing all this.

I am looking forward to another rocking weekend with Stephane. I have so much things I want to get done. And there is soo much I want to talk about with you guys ....

Next time a bit more, little baby steps ;) Have a great day!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A nerdy sunday morning at Surfers Paradise ....

75m above the sea level with a laptop in front of me, the Pacific on the left and the nationalparks of Gold Coast Hinterland on the right ... that is my nerdy Sunday morning. Finally it is sunny, and I can affirm the australian summer is back in QLD.

I had a great week. I got the final confirmation for the Wealth Flight Experience in early March. I am really looking forward to this event. I know my profile is Mechanic, but there is soo much more to learn. Before this event, I still want to read the book 'Your Life, Your Legacy' from Roger Hamilton. But one after the other. It was April last year when I heard the first time about XL - ExtraOrdinary Live. I went to a breakfast in one hotel here in Brisbane. Paul Dunn and Roger Hamilton introduced to us XL. What is XL?

In 2000, the United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed by all 191 UN member states, set a target to halve world poverty by 2015, and end poverty by 2025.

In 2002, XL Results Foundation was launched to help make World Wide Wealth a reality. We set a goal to create a worldwide foundation of learning and networking resources for entrepreneurs to accelerate their ability to create and contribute wealth. The aim of this global, self-supporting network is to provide an ongoing cycle of creation and contribution through social enterprise.

We are now five years into that journey.

Whereas the classic learning institutions of the 20th century were united by pride of place, we see the learning networks of the 21st century united by pride of purpose. The purpose of XL Results Foundation is World Wide Wealth: a concerted and simultaneous creation and contribution of wealth, with 10% of new wealth created each year being contributed to the sustainable prosperity of the environment and our next generation.

By 2020 our goal is to have reached $1 billion of new wealth created annually, with $100 million being contributed and leveraged to end poverty and environmental degeneration.

How are we making this happen? Where are we now, and where will we be in 2020? (taken from the XL-website)

It is amazing how many people I met so far. But more important for me is the kind of people I meet. How they changed my life and thinking, will be part of my blog. I've learnt to determine what I really want in life, what I want to achieve in my life. Of course, this is not a one day thing. It is a journey, like life is a journey. And I am in the thick of it.

Yes, there are moments, where I think, what the hell I am doing. But then I am creating my own reality. I want to be free, I want to do, what I love to do. I don't like, when people share the bad things, it is much better to share the good things. It starts with a smile. My friends, who know me a bit longer already, will think now, What? Josefine is smiling?. Yes, I can smile, because I found my flow. I love what I am doing and I like the people around me. And sharing a smile has an amazing effect. It gives me the 'Yeah, this day will be a great one'--effect.

Mmm, I prefer to rock now a little bit. That is Stéphane's and my word to create our leverage ;). Make this day a great one and keep smiling ....
To follow, without halt, one aim - there's the secret of success. - Anna Pavlova

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Nerds trying to party :oD

Yep, it is not easy for a nerd, when you have an idea and you would like to work on it, because everything is sooo exciting ... but the New Years Eve party starts soon. What do you do? Have you ever experienced the feeling of being in the flow? Put a hand into a flowing river ... can you feel the river? Of course, the water flows around your hand and you can feel the strength of the river, but no ... that is not being in the flow. Jump into the river and drift. That is being in the flow, to move ahead, closer to you dream. Make sure you know what you want and then ... action. I don't ask you to save the world (although I would like you to do so), just think about all the little things you can do, that bring you closer to you dream.
I started this year (yes, I mean 2008 ;) ) some different kind of diary. It is "The Success Diary". It is a bit clunky, but it gives me a permanent input of motivation and it reminds me daily of my goals I want to achieve. This will be part of my mind shift. Later, I am sure, I will switch to the notebook par excellence - THE MOLESKINE. That is one of my dreams, just making a couple of notes about some ideas .... and everything flows. I know it is possible.
Anyway, back to my previous topic. Yes, Stéphane and me decided to try to be normal this evening and we went like all the other people to the New Years Eve party at South Bank here in Brisbane. It was amazing how often we caught ourselves talking about the MySQL database we want to create and where we get the data from etc. Yep, our thoughts were definitely in front of the computers :D However, we did enjoy some drinks and were on time for the firework along the Brisbane river. It was really a nice firework, not too much, so I didn't start to think about, how much money was just waisted, hihi. Actually, maybe someone should mention, that the Brisbane fireworks is one hour before the Sydney one, so the people from Sydney are definitely not the first ones celebrating the New Year. And we should not forget all the islanders on New Caledonia or on Fiji, which are even two and three hours ahead of Sydney.

I wish you all an amazing Year 2008 ... and damn, live your dreams

Oh man! There is no planet sun or star could hold you, if you but knew what you are - Ralph Waldo Emerson