Monday, July 21, 2008

Get help ...

It is hard to accomplish something alone, but this is how I feel about doing a PhD. Everyone is praising teamwork and it is proven that several minds work better in a team and that you can go much further than working alone on a project ... but no, doing a PhD is about you. You have to sit down and do it. You can not delegate the work, because what appears in the Thesis at the end must have been done by you alone. And right now this thinking is so much the opposite what I have learned during the last couple of months with XL and the big entrepreneur world.

However, to come back to more positive thinking, there are people I can ask to inspire me again, to help me with ideas and I can sit down with them for a brainstorm session. And I am very grateful for this.

For all my other goals and dreams there is plenty of help out there. You just have to see it, it is sometimes not really obvious. But with an open mind it all comes to you. For example to improve my reading, I apply special techniques as suggested in several books and I keep track on the words-per-minute rate. Like other people are counting calories intake daily, I count the words I can read per minute. And I keep reading about it to stay motivated.

If someone comes with the excuse I don't know how ... I don't believe him/her anymore. If other people have done it already, you will find either a blog, an e-book, a book or something else about this topic, online or in real ... just ask the right question (in Google) ;o)

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