Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Habit 1: Collecting ... (day 16 & 17)

Let's go back to the main idea of this habit and this is to Collect. Reviewing the last two weeks ... I am pretty much collecting all my ideas and thought. So, yes, I am doing well. I am just not doing it as Leo suggested it in his ZTD-ebook. I have my A5 agenda with different categories and one of them is called ideas. Most of the thoughts that come up are related to the project I am working on, so things go mostly straight on to the today todo list. Maybe not the best solution, I agree, but this way I will see it during my next review and then I can re-sort it. Other ideas, not related to my work at this moment go directly to the Ideas chapter. The whole agenda is reviewed weekly. This way I can make sure not to lose any information. I can re-think it, make it more clearer and detailed and then I decide whether I keep it for later or it fits into my current projects.

Photo courtesy by Markus Brosch
Yes, I still will and have to improve my collecting habit. I even have to change the categories I am collecting all this stuff. I started to use the Archive option in Gmail and did some successful searches already. I will definitely keep going on this one.

For my work for Information Professional I will (have to) use Outlook *ouch*. I am such a dummy in this one, hehe. It will be an interesting experience. But this will also another incoming stream of information, virtual and real paper. So, I will have to be aware of how it comes in and where I will put it. As I am "acting" at at least three different places, I have to be careful where I put what. Lot of monitoring to do ... I will go through it somehow. It is being aware of every moment ... why I am doing what when ... does it bring me where I want to be ...

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