Thursday, September 25, 2008

Declutter your life

Whew ... I think I did clean up 5 or 6 boxes already. And actually my room looks more empty now ... more simple. That is good progress. I still remember and still hear the words from Daddy "We might need this one day". Oh no, when I need something I will get it somehow. Just storing everything, because I might need it someday ... not with me (anymore). I want to be flexible. Having things stuffed in every corner and wardrobe around me ... scary. It is like, things are following you everywhere. Yes, some things are emotional and some kind of souvenir. But I want to move ahead. I have dreams and goals. Getting stuck in the past is not much of help then. I am not saying, forget about your past. I am convinced the good things happenend in your childhood or whenever will be always with you ... in your heart. That is the best place to store things anyway.

Also decluttering my life will make it easier to move. Settling down somewhere is not really my thing (right now). So, having not much to move, makes me more flexible. Ok, let's move to Singapore for 6 months. That is what is driving me. I find this so exciting.

So, I will keep decluttering on a daily basis. Ebay will be one helper and there are charities as well. Let's do it .. :o)

Photos Courtesy by Markus Brosch
I actually had planned to report more about my progress with my PhD. There is not much motivation left, that could drive me. Yes, I still hope, that I can finish it in April next year. Sometimes I feel I am just playing with some data, checking out several tools and no one cares. That's science. These biologist really dream of the perfect tool for their own specific interest. The biggest problem is really the inability to use unique identifiers for genes and proteins. Mappings are likely to be incomplete as every consortium uses different rules. Also the just wrong use of common biological terminology is a big obstacle. These things slow heavily down the progress to visualize and automatize biology in general, let it be System Biology or Computational Biology. Call it as you like. We cannot only blame biologists, also mathematicians and statistician coming up with great algorithms and analysis to prove/dis-prove biological pathways assume things which can break down any system easily. Any bottom-up or top-down approach has its dis/advantages ... and this must be clear to everyone ... sorry, I start to philosophize ... also scientists have to be open minded to any other approach, especially if it doesn't make (the logical) sense at first. Anyway ... what I wanted to show is, how I am struggling with the thinking that is going on in Science. And I am not happy with that.

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