Monday, June 30, 2008

Just start ....

My goal is currently to blog every second day. It is quite a challenge. It is not that I have nothing to say, is just, how do I put this in words. Then I could stare at the screen for minutes and just look dumb ;o). But as Leo says:
Once you start, it is never hard as you thought it would be
It takes a while until it will change into a habit, possibly more than a month. I just have to stick to it.

Another goal is my PhD. (I know, several goals at the same time is not really the right strategy, but I need something else next to it!!!) Switching the brain again and again, between business and scientific brain. You start to question everything. What am I doing here and especially why am I doing it? But now I have less than a year left ... I will make it somehow, although it won't be fun. And to use Leo's words again: Just start! .... instead of thinking about how hard it is, and how long it will take, tell yourself that you just have to start.

Have a wonderful week :o)

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