Thursday, June 26, 2008


For a couple of weeks already I am following the blog from Leo "Zen Habits". I think I have written about it already. Just today, it's one of these days, I came across the blog about motivation. I am sure you all experience good and bad days regarding motivation. Then such blogs are just great to get you back on track. Leo spoke this time about the 20 ways to sustain motivation when you're struggling. I intend to follow up some of the steps and report about them what they mean in my life. Especially when your life is just going through an extensive time and you don't feel the excitement anymore. The excitement you had just before you started something, just when the idea pops up in your head.

Photo courtesy of Markus Brosch

Motivation does work, is it caused by reading, watching or just listening to the right people. In the previous blog I spoke about that movies touch me. Motivation is one of these effects. Of course it is a positive one ... but isn't that a problem as well, to get excited too easily in something. And after it happened several times and you see that it always weaken after a couple of days or already after a couple of hours, what's the point then? Is that not disappointing? Might be one reason why I avoid movies, because I could get excited about something and then I just don't care about it anymore, maybe because of time constraints or other limiting resources. (I know, nothing is limited except time ... ).

Maybe I haven't found my real interests yet, or I am just not patient enough ... talk to you soon, fingers crossed with a bit more motivation ;o) and excitement

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