Sunday, October 09, 2005

in four days around half the world - or - the journey to brisbane

05. Oktober 2005 7.40pm and still in Berlin And let's go I thought. The traveling to Berlin (Tegel) was just perfect, right on time. (left pic: My parents in disguise as Australien tourists!) But why travelling on an easy way? That would be too simple. Let's have this flight to London-Heathrow a delay of 150 minutes. So I will definitely miss the flight to Hongkong, because I would have had only 2 hours to change. There we go. The ladies from the check-in told me that I will get an hotel and that they will book me new flight in London. Great! Good start! I am surprisingly still in a good mood. I am absolutely relaxed. Yeah, that's travelling.

9pm still Berlin Yeah, we got our first voucher for food. I love British Airways! Food for 15€. I found one salad, one sandwich, one espresso, two chocolate bars and one beer. Now I feel sick. But I don't mind, I have time. Everytime I try to use the internet terminal it crashes. Who wrote this bloody software? I will recommand them some bioinformaticians.
10.35pm still Berlin Yes, I am in the plane to London. And when I say plane, I mean a plane. As a frequently user of Ryanair and Easyjet you would love it. We got a food bag (no, not food again!). It contains an apple, orange juice, water, a achocolate bar and a brez'n. *sniff* I miss Bavaria! The plane is almost empty. Maybe one third of all seats are used. I almost feel alone.
11.15pm on the way to Heathrow Coffee for free, why not? Night or day, I don't care anymore. They are all sleeping, what's wrong with them? I enjoy the music coming out from my armrest. Ok, then I do partying by myself.
6. October 20051am english time London Heathrow Hotel Crowne Plaza Right, a delay of 150 minutes can happen. People from British Airways were waiting for me here. They organised this hotel and the flight to Hongkong. The bad thing is the flight will be at 6pm. They didn't know I had to go to Brisbane. Anyway, I will try to get another earlier connection. The good thing is the hotel. One night costs normally 169Pounds (ca. 240€). I got my own concierge, who brought my luggage upstairs. The air condition in my room was set to 18 degrees (crazy, or what?) Now there are 22degrees. You have to understand, I go to Australia. On the TV-screen appeared "Welcome, Mrs J Sprenger". Thanks, but with who will I share this room? Two large beds, madness!
I wish I had one of them in Freising. Now I have such a nice offer of beds and no man *scream*. Crazy situation, but I really enjoy it. It is still fun for me.
9.20am hotel English breakfast - puke! I could avoid the white beans and sausages in the morning. I try to contact BA now, but 2 out of three phone numbers don't work. But I am still optimistic.
11.25 airport Ok, no other way to Brisbane. 6.25pm to Hongkong then 10 hours in Hongkong. So I have at least time to visit the city. On the bus to the airport I met an american guy. He tried to convince me that Schroeder is doing what Chirac is saying. Like Bush is just following Blair. The wars in Kosovo and Iraq were done because Blair wanted so. RIGHT, I am not convinced.
1pm London airport I just finished a great conservation with an english guy. I don't know how, but he guessed I am german. Maybe I look so well organised. He loves Germany. He really is adoring it. He is the biggest fan from the german rock band "The . Scorpions" He is going to every concert. I didn't know they still exist. But he likes Queen too, his luck. We almost talked for one hour. That was really nice. And of course, he doesn't know "Dinner for one". So I will get it for him. I love airports!
7. October 200512.44am almost in Hongkong It is quite hard to sit for almost 12 hours. Radio and TV are hard to understand because of the background noise. I tried to sleep and I think I succeded. We got nice food. Shortly after taking off they served some chicken with pasta. And now I got a warmed-up sandwich. I am still tired. Hongkong I'm coming.
2.55 Hongkong on the way to the city center First impressions: huge living boxes, right side the sea and left the mountains. a huge port for goods in TsingYi, surrounded by palm trees and mixed forest. In Kowloon I saw only the huge station. there are tunnels between the Hongkong-islands. Next station is Hongkong-city.
4.35pm Hongkong Pacific Coffee Bar Nice bread after a while of walking. The city is definitely worth to visit. But I wouldn't like to live here. It is too narrow. Huge houses, 20-30 floors high.

8. October 2005 BRISBANE
My supervisor Rohan Teasdale picked me up from the airport. He gave me a nice overview of Brisbane and showed me the campus I will work on. The he brought me to my shared house. The address is:
Unit 3
77 Sir Fred Schonell Drive
St. Lucia
4067 Brisbane QLD

So, don't hesitate and send me postcards!!

Martina and me met already on Saturday. She didn't change at all! I took my first picture in Brisbane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Fina!

Sorry for no reply to your email, but I was busy this week as well ;-) Well - sort of busy.

I am happy that you are now in Bris... (dunno how to write it correctly) and I am glad that you already met Martina (YES, I know!) and I wish you a good start @ work!

I am looking forward to your Blog-Entries, esp as you have a camera now - coool!!!

Good time, cheers, Markus