Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting the shoes ready .... off for a run

Just this I started my exercise program again. Why again? … Looks like I have lost a bit of commitment the last 2 weeks. I did nothing. Anyway. I did my first 25min this Tuesday, with no pain, so I can keep going.

But what keeps me going? I have the inner urge to move, especially when I am in front of the computer 24/7. I love my business and the work that is involved in it. But the human body needs a balance. I am not really attracted to the gym anymore. I still have some sessions to go.

The advantage with running is that I can let my mind wander. It is not really recommended to dream during the gm session ;o) During the run, I can re-build my goal and vision. Why I am I doing this? What do I love on the project I am involved in? Where do I want to go, and what are the next steop to do, to bring me closer. Lot of runners have their iPods plugged in, but I am not attracted to use this way of entertainment. But maybe I will listen to some motivation speeches from John Demartini or Roger Hamilton. Ah yes, I should listen to “Wink” again.

Wink Book

Hopefully I get this back as a habit again. Yes, I get too easily distracted. This blog will help me stick to it. I need to be accountable in business and it starts with simple things like exercising.

Just getting ready here for a late afternoon run. Will do the usual 25 min round here at the campus. Maybe I will apply some kind of variation. I am thinking about to alternate between slow and fast speeds. Let me see how I feel, my nutrition today was not really reasonable.

Have a wonderful day!

Josefine, the Mechanic

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