Friday, September 02, 2005

evenings in Munich and another book review

The summer is back, at last!!!

I spent two nice evenings in Munich. Yesterday I met Maja, a good friend of mine from the gold old days in Schwabing!! ;) We had fun in a Biergarten at the Rosenheimer Platz. Ok, it was an Italian restaurant, but it doesn't matter. Girls gossiping!!! I hope we can make it seeing each other the next days before she goes to Peru and me to Brisbane!!
Today I met Fritjof and Chris in the English Garden in Munich for a beer and skating through the dark! ;) Wow!!! How scary!!! Yeah, not really, but I like skating through Munich in the dark. I did it already before and it is just brilliant!!
Well, I will definitely miss all this when I have to leave. Actually the end of this month *sniff*.
Today I recieved a postcard from Markus and Dani from their holiday trip in Switzerland. Yes, a real postcard with a stamp on it!! ;) Thanks guys!! I really like it and it will definitely help to make "my way" without you!!

I actually made to finish a book in two days. Really!! Namely the book "Takedown. The Pursuit and Capture of Kevin Mitnick, America's Most Wanted Computer Outlaw - By the Man Who Did It" by Tsutomu Shimomura. (Link in german) Ok, one can think about this what one wants to, but it is a real story. There were lots of public discussion about this after that happened. The story is now more than ten years old, but still a quite up-to-date topic in terms of the software patents and so on. I can recommand this book even if you are not so into UNIX-commands!! ;)

Ok, I know, I should add some pictures, but I don't have a digital camera yet!! *sulk*! Anyway, have a good night and take care!!!

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