Sunday, September 25, 2005

book review - The Cider House Rules

I told you the I was busy reading two books at the same time. And this afternoon I could finish both of them. I am afraid that I cannot judge about the philosophical one. First I would like to read it again and second in my opinion the view about such a book changes everytime you read it anyway. What do you think?

About the book from John Irving now:
I expected an exciting, haunting story full of feelings and so on. But this wasn't unfortunately the case. It was for me hard to read, but it was getting better and better. The story on its own is actually not soo bad. Its about the topic abortion, orphans, love etc. in a time of war in America the early last century. I don't know why the years are always written like this: 193- or 194-. What's the point of doing this? I haven't seen the movie and I don't plan to do so.
Conclusion: Read it if you want to and if you have time for a book of more than 700 pages. I don't regret that I took the time, but I am not impressed or overzealous about it.

Briefly another thing :

I arrived save at my parents place. We had yesterday the birthday from my mum, so I could see all my relatives at once to say good bye again. I enjoy the weather here. It is currently quite sunny here. I clean all my stuff and try to prepare things for Australia. Besides this nothing happend.

Have a nice weekend!! Take care!

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