Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why are we so obsessed about food?

In a previous blog I have written about my attempt to be on 1500 cal daily. However, we know that an average human being should consume up to 2200 cal. This is plenty of energy to have a quite active day, including brain work.

Although I am a scientist, or maybe because I am a scientist, I don't see obesity as a disease. Unfortunately with the help of the media we start to call it like this. But why should it be? Isn't it logical that obese people just consume more energy than they actually need, for whatever reason I don't understand. Why are we so obsessed about food? Is it all about pleasure, addiction or are we just bored?

Just last week I saw a quite obese women with her similar obese daughter. They couldn't sit next to each other, as it would have been quite squeezy. (Yes, I support airlines charging obese people for two seats!) What is this woman doing to her daughter? Taking care of your own child doesn't mean making a child sick for the rest of its life. I don't want to go over all the cost obese people cost us in terms of environmental and health issues. I just don't understand how people can be so irresponsible. When you have a child, you have some duties. And I am sure it doesn't include to poison your own child.

I might sound a bit harsh. But as a human being you have a purpose here on earth. We are so lucky to be alive. The chance to live is smaller than winning in a lottery. The human body has much more to offer than we are actually aware of. Skills we knew thousands of years ago, but got lost because humankind got greedy over time. I just hope 2012 will bring a change and will open the eyes for all of us. Being a bit more grateful for what we have and not taking food for granted.

Photo Courtesy by Markus Brosch
 Just eat healthy and less! We don't need meat every day. Look at gorillas ... quite muscular species .. and vegetarian!

1 comment:

Mira Mikulic, BA (Hons) said...

Hi Josephine,

yes, I also managed to get myself obese because of a lot of stress in my life and having a sedentary job. Also got into the habit of reaching for food out of boredom and it all added up in my body! It's enough extra weigh to make me feel uncomfortable and finally start doing something about it. Am on the Lite and Easy 1200kal plan and love it. Am actually eating more than I normally would and shedding weight. Staying off junk food and all the empty calories, like chocolates, sweets and chips. Hope to break my bad eating habits in another 5 weeks. What a great program, showing what one should be eating.

A few days ago I watched a program on a 29 year old US woman who was the heaviest female in the world, with 406kgs! At this weight, she ended up having lapband surgery, lost 25kgs in 2 weeks and died of a heart attack! I can't understand how people can get themselves to this stage! Apparently there are HUNDREDS of people like this in the US, houses have to be demolished to get them out in an emergency.

It is a disgusting state of affairs when on another side of the world, people barely get to eat one meal a day! US and Australia are lucky countries in that we have enough but this abundance is starting to kill us!