Friday, September 04, 2009

How much are 1500kcal?

It is one of my goals to reduce my weight by around 8-10kg. I wouldn't call myself obese, but there are bits and pieces I would love to disappear. I am approaching different strategies, of course the combination of all would be ideal.

  • exercise: I am following a strict plan to exercise every second day for at least an hour. That can be in the gym or I go for a run. Looks like the I tend to build up muscles quite easily, so I prefer running to gym and have reduced the gym to once a week. It is not my goal to look like a female Arnold Schwarzenegger. I also think I would love the running if I would some some improvement one day ... but still after month and years ... I am still getting out of breath easily. I am applying now different strategies, like long and easy run OR alternating the speed. Will see how I go.

Photo Courtesy by Markus Brosch
  • nutrition: As a German, I have my issues with some food here in Australia. I did put myself on a 1500kcal diet right now. According to the standards, this is a medium level ... but I am starving during the day. I am following the plan of a company who provides the food as well. So far ... my compliment ... very nice food. Much, much better then most suppliers on the UQ campus ;o) However, I believe the amount of breakfast (with a late morning) snack is not enough. For dinner they provide the main meal. Ok, change of attitude ... I love the dinners. I think it is ok, when you have dinner before 6pm. I am an early morning person ... so I have my breakfast at 5am ... then a snack between 8-9am ... and I start to starve for lunch around 11. I might increase my input to 1800kcal next week and we will see how I go. I haven't lost any kilo yet.
  • is there anything else I can do? ...

1 comment:

Bobby Norris said...

Hiya Josephine!

I found this blog through your facebook.

Actually losing that much weigh is easy. Did you know that many people have that much weight just in built up waste matter congested in the colon?

Check out Rick Grunden on our blog over at who lost 25 pounds in his first week doing our 30 Day Challenge.

If I were you, I would start with a Colon Cleanse and you will be surprised actually how much fecal matter is adding extra weight. A clear colon is going to give you the most noticeable feeling of changes in your life too. I just did one recently and I started waking up an hour earlier and just felt alert instead of groggy. I highly recommend Tyler's colon cleanse which you can learn about at

All the best with your challenge!