Sunday, June 11, 2006


Hi guys,
yep, I found time and all devices to upload some pics. After more then 6 weeks I should introduce you to my housemates and show you my new home for the next months.

Anja and Ben enjoying their meals in our living room. I have to say both of them are really nice cooks. Anja is an expert for green curry and Ben for BBQ (steaks etc.). I shouldn't forget to mention all the delicious salads made by Anja.
This is one of our usual tradition on evenings, sitting on the veranda, drinking red wine and having some cigarettes.

A common Aussie-BBQ. If you don't have one, you are a stranger! Aussie people love BBQs. You can find them in every park, where the government provides the gas !!!

Isn't he cute ;) The true master!

May I introduce you Mucki? I don't think I need to tell you where he is from. Just one hint. I heard it somewhere before, but it is hard to understand. ;)

After the two boys left for the weekend Anja and me attacked the rooms and cleaned a bit. Now I can show you the rooms as well. :)

That is our kitchen in a quite clean state! But you should see after some cooking was done. A battle field would be nothing compared to it :D !!!

Our beloved verande, famous for excessive parties and nice relaxing evenings.

The dinning room. Rarely used, because we eat most of the time on the veranda anyway.

Our Garden. Quiet and green, what else do you need?

And my little empire with my new monitor!! *FREU* and a queen size bed!! I missed such a bed for a long time, but finally I got one!!

A nice view to the moon from our veranda today evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Es sieht so aus als wuerdest du im Paradies leben - super ;) Gefaellt mir!

Enjoy your time and see you soon - ONline ;)
