Preparation means you know what you are doing. You are prepared for the event that your business hits momentum. You have educated yourself in the area of interest. You suddenly make a lot of money, you know what to do. But more important, you know what not to do. Just imagine you meet your dream client and you know exactly what to say to get his attention and interest in your service. That's preparation. Read books, go to seminars, develop your people skills. It is not easy, otherwise everyone would be successful.
I see it similar in health. Prepare your body for rough times. There will be days and even weeks, where you won't eat healthy and you run from one meeting to another. A healthy body can handle this. Go and get your exercise and eat healthy ... and life is fun :o)
Have an open mind. Keep talking to people and listen to what they have to say. Opportunities are everywhere. Go to meetup groups in your area, preferable of your interest. But again, who knows who you will meet when you just go to a meeting you don't know the topic about. That can be fun. You will meet people again. Yes, the first impression is the most important one. I have learnt so much from people over time, and I didn't like them at the first place. You just never know. They can turn into raving fans of yours and refer people to your business. This happens over and over again. This is where honesty and trust comes in. There is no point to badmouth people or businesses. It is your reputation suffering from it.
So, when someone comes to you and tells you, ah, you are just lucky with your business .. tell him this
LUCK - Laboring under correct knowledge
You can't Believe in bHIP until You Believe in Yourself – Terry LaCore
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