Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another cloudy day here in Brisbane. At least it was not freezing this morning. But still, I had troubles again to get out of bed. I thought the morning was my most efficient time for me. Right now it doesn't look like it at all. The alarm is set to 4:30am so I could get at least 6hours of sleep. It is 6am already when I finally make it then. I feel like wasting my time like this. Why do I need so much sleep? I don't do a lot that would cost me extra energy. At least I don't feel like it. Is this related to my thyroid? That would explain why I am getting distracted so easily. I am lucky when I work on something for 10min in row without doing anything else.

It took me 15min to start this Blog. I just sit here and stare at the screen without any idea popping up. But I want to write, because I want to be committed to it. I want to learn how to write. So, I just keep going, no matter what ...

Photo Courtesy by Markus Brosch
Yes, I have several things running at the same time. It is hard for me, to give these tasks different priorities. I feel like everything is important.
  • I have to grow my wealth network, so I have to update ecademy and facebook regularly.

  • I want to learn how to write, so I keep going with my regularly blogging.

  • I want to be motivated and inspired, so I keep reading Blogs of interest.

  • I want to learn more about entrepreneurship, real estate and passive income, so I keep going to seminars.

  • I want to keep working on my projects and getting the real experience, such as in and

  • and so on ...

oops, completely forgot about my PhD in this list. I might have given it a lower priority unconsciously already. And this should be of highest priority actually. So, what now? Shall I quit some of these things or delaying it? There should be a way to do all these things, that is not so much ...

I am convinced, I can be more efficient, just have to find the right rhythm. Fingers crossed the thyroid issue doesn't hinder me on this journey.

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