I really like the idea to put things down on paper, so my mind get free and open for new stuff. I noticed that I need my small collection of DIN A6 paper always with me. Some people sing under the shower and the others think, like me ... ;o) Ok, I don't really see that as a problem, just as a small challenge, as usual.
Yes, I had already introduced a self-created notepad in the size of DIN A6 a couple of months ago. That was and is my way to use spare paper. Just cut used A5 and A4 paper down to A6 and clip it together. I will test this the next days how it is to have this size but especially to have it always with me.
So, this will be then one version of an inbox. Fair enough ... but I still have other inboxes, like the normal email one and the paper inbox at home (for cheques etc. :o) ). In general I can say that I handle these three inboxes already quite good, at least that I don't have more inboxes that need to be checked daily.
However, especially the email inbox needs some improvement. I have a gmail account, so everything is forwarded to this account. I haven't started yet to use the option to archive the emails. Yes, you can use the search option to find older information. But ...
Out of sight, out of mind.. I keep emails in the inbox, because I want to be remembered to do it (maybe one day). Looks like I have to be more strict and do things as soon as they arrive in my inbox (which is actually habit 2).
Let's focus here on the collection stations. Is there something else, than these three inboxes? Mmmmh, I still have my email account in the office for PhD related stuff. But fingers crossed this will be over soon, won't it Dr J ? ;o) Ah yeah, Leo mentioned it in the ebook, but not sure if I shall see Facebook and ecademy (my main social online network tools) as an inbox as well. Yes and No I would say. I actually receive the messages on my gmail account as well. But then I have set up specific days, when I update these networks. So, for me not really inboxes.
Ok, keep collection all these things the universe has prepared for us, keep dreaming big!