But I have my blog, so when I read something on the internet and I get terrible excited about it, I can put it in my blog :o)
This paragraph is from the blog Zen To Done (5th of February). And he is just sooooo right
The Magic of FlowAnd unfortunately this is missing in my PhD, it became some kind of job. Is like being trained to fit in the academic world. Following the rules ... gggrrrrr
There’s a concept called Flow that’s been pretty popular among productivity circles in the last couple of years. I’m a big fan of it myself. In a nutshell, it’s basically losing yourself in whatever you’re doing — reaching that magical zone where you forget about the outside world and are completely doing what you’re doing, whether that’s writing or drawing or coding or whatever.
It’s a wonderfully productive zone to be in, and a state that also, incidentally, makes you happier. Productive and happier at the same time. Hard to beat that.
However, it can’t happen if you’re switching between tasks or thinking about the past or the future. It basically happens when you are in the present. So practicing being present will help you get to flow, which makes you happier and more productive. Best argument yet for being present, perhaps.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you quickly about this paragraph and the definition of Flow for me. I hope you all are having an incredible day!
Please take care!
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph - Thomas Paine
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