I had a great week. I got the final confirmation for the Wealth Flight Experience in early March. I am really looking forward to this event. I know my profile is Mechanic, but there is soo much more to learn. Before this event, I still want to read the book 'Your Life, Your Legacy' from Roger Hamilton. But one after the other. It was April last year when I heard the first time about XL - ExtraOrdinary Live. I went to a breakfast in one hotel here in Brisbane. Paul Dunn and Roger Hamilton introduced to us XL. What is XL?
In 2000, the United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed by all 191 UN member states, set a target to halve world poverty by 2015, and end poverty by 2025.
In 2002, XL Results Foundation was launched to help make World Wide Wealth a reality. We set a goal to create a worldwide foundation of learning and networking resources for entrepreneurs to accelerate their ability to create and contribute wealth. The aim of this global, self-supporting network is to provide an ongoing cycle of creation and contribution through social enterprise.
We are now five years into that journey.
Whereas the classic learning institutions of the 20th century were united by pride of place, we see the learning networks of the 21st century united by pride of purpose. The purpose of XL Results Foundation is World Wide Wealth: a concerted and simultaneous creation and contribution of wealth, with 10% of new wealth created each year being contributed to the sustainable prosperity of the environment and our next generation.
By 2020 our goal is to have reached $1 billion of new wealth created annually, with $100 million being contributed and leveraged to end poverty and environmental degeneration.
How are we making this happen? Where are we now, and where will we be in 2020? (taken from the XL-website)
It is amazing how many people I met so far. But more important for me is the kind of people I meet. How they changed my life and thinking, will be part of my blog. I've learnt to determine what I really want in life, what I want to achieve in my life. Of course, this is not a one day thing. It is a journey, like life is a journey. And I am in the thick of it.
Yes, there are moments, where I think, what the hell I am doing. But then I am creating my own reality. I want to be free, I want to do, what I love to do. I don't like, when people share the bad things, it is much better to share the good things. It starts with a smile. My friends, who know me a bit longer already, will think now, What? Josefine is smiling?. Yes, I can smile, because I found my flow. I love what I am doing and I like the people around me. And sharing a smile has an amazing effect. It gives me the 'Yeah, this day will be a great one'--effect.
Mmm, I prefer to rock now a little bit. That is Stéphane's and my word to create our leverage ;). Make this day a great one and keep smiling ....
To follow, without halt, one aim - there's the secret of success. - Anna Pavlova
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