Sunday, March 12, 2006

Cultural shock

HELP! HELP! First Mozart and now the Pink Panther with Steve Martin. What a combination! But one after the other! As you should know Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is celebrating his 250th birthday this year. Ok, we celebrate more or less his birthday. I shocked myself with a visit in the theatre yesterday evening. The show was called Mozart's night. I expected songs I know, but I noticed one little part of one song. The rest I have never heard before. But please don't tell anyone. ;)
Tonight my parents went with me to the new Pink Panther movie with Steve Martin.

Quote of my dad after the movie:
American bullshit!!
And I have to agree. I just wanted to see this movie because of the lovely french accent. How sweeeet! *sniff*

Here is the proof for the snow we had the last 24 hours.

I upload some pics to show the winter we had and still have. Since I am back from Aussieland there was now day without snow.

It wasn't me, I swear!

And here some cute pics of Freddy. Isn't he sweet?

the one on the right side :)

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