Sunday, October 02, 2005


I am soooo tired. I spent some days in Cambride and met Bene, Michael and Markus over there. We had great fun. The usual places, Nero and Eagle. The usual drinks, hotchoc (tea for Markus ;) ) and Stella. Ups, ok two pint of beer, chatting with scandinavian people and so on.
i will update this later!

ok, i am back now. yep, the last four days were filled with meeting friends! In Berlin I had a nice cup of coffee with Katja. we haven't seen eachother for a little while, so we found of course a lots of topics to gossip about. :) Hey, i wish you good luck for the next job and enjoy Berlin. Thanks for the meeting, we have to do it again somewhere on this planet!

and then at last i met bene at nero in cambridge. it was nice to see him again, although he has such blond stuff in his hair :) . and finally did micha join us. we went to his house, which he is sharing with two girls (!). The house is just great, if you know the english conditions! ;) Micha gave me the opportunity to overnight there. this bed!!! almost 4m² just for me!! :)
and last but not least markus arrived in cambridge. and what did we do? we went for food, how typicall! but to celebrate my last evening in cambridge, only bene went with me to The Eagle, the famous pub for "scientists to be". After two pints we were quite pissed, and we were clarified about how to recognise a homosexual one if it is not obvious by a scandinavian couple. we still don't know if "it" is a he or a she but is was funny. i just hope we will get the picture she took from us. we will see.
we arrived quite late at micha's place, so we decided to have a black night. and what had I to discover after four years of studies together. micha is a real good chief, especially at 2am making delicious muffins. :)

the train to stansted was quite early at 4.39am. you know what it means. arrived in schönefeld i found my backpack back completely destroyed. i didn't lose some stuff, but I need this backpack for australia. sh..! then the german system to buy tickets for the train. AAARRRGG! one machine, a long queue of people in front of it, and just accepting cash, but no 50€ banknotes. and you know what? i got my ticket from the controlleur with my kreditcard. a great day!

anyway, just hope you have such friends and not such a day!

hear from you and take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Fina!

Wünsch Dir viel Glück bei Deinem Weg nach Australien ;-) War cool Dich gestern mal wieder gesehen zu haben! Hoffe Du kommst in mem Jahr nach Cambridge zurück, evtl mit ner PhD Stelle *Daumendrück*.

Gut dass Dein Blog überall auf der Welt funktioniert - so gibt's news.

Uuuups - das war jetzte Deutsch. Naja - next time English again, sorry.

Cheers and CU, Markus