Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't do a thing just for the sake of it

How many times have you wondered in the middle of something ... why am I doing this? What's the point? Who cares if these leaves are on the grass?
I need to remind myself why I am writing this blog. Sometimes it feels like I do it just because I put in my agenda for Thursday nights. But it is not only this blog ... there are many other areas where I need to refocus. One was or is my PhD studies. And I guess it is the same for thousands of people out there, wondering why they are doing this particular job. Getting up every morning, taking the packed train at 8 to arrive in the office at 9. You do it because you was told to do so. You remember as a kid, when everyone asks you ... what do you want to become when you grow up?
You can easily argue ... you do it because of the money. Wouldn't it be much better to earn money with the things you love to do, because you do them with passion and a purpose. You don't do them because they are in your agenda.
I am fortunate enough to decide when I want to get up in the morning. Because I don't have someone telling me, when I have to be in the office. However, I still get up at 5am. Why? Because I have goal in life. I structure my day as I want it to be. It is still not perfect. I have things on my list where I am not clear of where they will lead me and why I have actually set them up. That's where a monthly or even weekly review comes in. Review your projects, find out if they are leading you to your goal if you keep them going as they are. If yes, great. If not ... rewrite the project or event think about abandoning it.
Again, I try not to do things just for the sake of them. Give any action at least a bit of meaning. Why am I doing this? 
  • one step closer to financial freedom
  • one step closer to my dream car
  • one step closer to finish my studies
  • one step closer to earn money with this blog
  • one step closer to reach my goal weight
  • one step closer to be one with myself
  • one step closer to .... (put in your own goal)
Run your day ... so you can run your life. 

You can't Believe in bHIP until You Believe in Yourself – Terry LaCore

Sunday, September 05, 2010

How to get things done you hate

You could ask why are such things on your list anyway. In my case, because 4 years ago I was very excited about this project and started it. (Un)fortunately I am a person who finishes things before starting something new. But this is a topic for another time. To close this project now I have some tasks I have to finish. This brings me to tip 1:
  1. It will be over soon :)
  2. Step by step
    Don't look at the whole workload at once, that won't cheer you up. Look at one task at the time, get a pen and paper and start writing. Go away from you existing work, that is just annoying and distracting.
  3. Celebrate after every small step finished
    Get some snacks, dance in the room, listen to your favourite song or smash your sand sack next to you.
  4. Have the goal in mind and smile.
    In my case the graduation day is highlighted in my agenda and I am damn so looking forward to it. Everyone knows about this data, now I have to be accountable for this and actually get it done (at least the things that are under my control).
  5. Believe in yourself
    How many new ideas and inspiration do you think will come up in your mind when you permanently put yourself down? Not many, right? I have no idea who invented negative thoughts, but I suggest to just ignore them. Agreed, it is not easy and family and friends are sometimes not the most helpful people. However, one day they will learn and accept :)

You can't Believe in bHIP until You Believe in Yourself – Terry LaCore