Getting structured, have procedures for everything ... especially creating some. As soon you do things twice, automatize it ... put a system behind it. And stick to it. Have your procedure in the morning, that in the office (if you have one to go to ;o) )Do the things you have put down for the day.
Focus! Remember, why I am doing it and what is the aim of it. That is the way to get things done. Still, you have to listen to your body. Hungry? (I mean not appetite!) Then eat a little bit, don't make yourself full like hell. Discipline and commitment ... two of the big mysteries ....
I stopped taking my medication for my thyroid. After 2 month the TSH level was up, like 25-fold higher than normal. You can imagine the reaction of my GP. I told him to give me more time. I went to James, my chinese doctor. Read this: Professor Emeritus in Traditional Medicine Fellow AACHMA, MIAS, Int.Ac.Soc., W.P.N., A.A.P.H.J.P .... I just call him James :o) I received already 3 accupuncture treatments. The once with electricity are ... pretty heavy to bear. You can feel the hammer everywhere. But when we get the thyroid working this way, it is worth it. Next bloodsample is in 2 weeks. Let you know how it goes. Have to say, I don't see and feel any bad symptoms. I go to bed between 9 and 10pm and get up between 5 and 6am. I think it is pretty good. ;o)
Tweed Heads in May 2008, that's where the border is between New South Wales and Queensland. It was a nice trip in the morning with Stephane for a breakfast. We needed some time out.
Not easy to live 2 lifes right now, being the good PhD student and a business woman. But I want it this way, so I go for it. Yes Daddy, I am always going the most complicated way ;o) ... but I will get rewarded for this. Stephane and I are a pretty good team, supporting each other heavily. It is hard to find the right words at the right time, but we are moving ahead.
I hope you are all doing well outthere ... have a great week and I keep you up-to-date. Please take care :o)
With Gratitude,