Tuesday, August 30, 2005

bladenight in munich

Yeah, just finished my second bladenight!!! Ouch, my knees!!! My blades are quite fast, but hard! We did the south-part tonight. It was a nice long way.

Besides this, nothing happened. Oh yeah, I helped an old woman to go upstairs to her flat. She is living at the fifth(!) floor!!! She could hardly breath, but was talking all the time!

Anyway, nice weather again!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

book review

I just finished reading the book 'Where Wizards Stay Up Late - The Origins of the Internet' which was recommanded from one of our lecturer. Ok, I read the german version 'Arpa Kadabra'. I have to say that this book doesn't inspire me at all. The story on its own is quite interesting. But the kind of writing did not let me forget the time. More the other way around, I became tired every time.

But: Honour to whom honour is due.
One of the IMP-Guys is Frank Heart. During the 25th anniversary party for ARPANET he gave a nice comment (in german only, sorry):

Das Projekt war beispielhaft für konsequente Forschung. Wir konnten unsere Ziele deshalt innerhalb so kurzer Zeit verwirklichen, weil wir eine kompetente Führungsmannschaft besaßen, uns nahezu uneingeschränkte Mittel zur Verfügung standen und unsere Arbeit verschont blieb von idiotischer Bürokratie, die sich sonst schädlich auf das Projekt ausgewirkt hätte.
These words in german administrative departments !!!! *hoping*

Friday, August 26, 2005

fairwell for georg

What an evening! Thank you Georg for the invitation. I met Georg and his friends at Los Bandidos in Munich. Food as much as I wanted and dancing on the table!! Just great! Unfortunately I had to leave for the last train to Freising. But it was a nice evening. Some nice people around me, music and fun. That's the way I like it!!

I tried to call the people in Austria, but the phone was busy. It's a pity. But on the other side, so I can finish my job here. There is a chance that they extend the contract *grin* . And I can do the preparation for the next months.

Currently I am listening to ska music the whole day with my mp3-player. I like this music. I think I will look for more.

Hey, tomorrow is friday!! I am looking forward to have a good night's rest on Saturday!!

Take care!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

red alert in bavaria

Yes, I start my blog with a red alert. All my friends were asking for one blog from me. So, here it is.

The red alert is coz of the current flood here in southern Bavaria along all the big rivers such as Isar, Donau etc. It is quite serious. If I am lucky I go to Austria on Friday and do some help for reconstruction near Insbruck. I will give a call tomorrow.

According my friends: They all left me!! Yeah, the semester has finished and suddenly they all disappeared. And I call them "FRIENDS"! Of course!!! No, that's fine. Life goes on and I am just a bit to slow! ;)

Yes, here it is, my official blog. No, I won't give you the link to my other one, sorry. Nice try!

Something new? I am working as a working student in the company "prevero" (www.prevero.com) in Munich since last week. I deal with bugzilla, opensource! Now you can imagine how the documentation in the code is, just brilliant!! I mean coding Perl is not so difficult, but to understand the framework of this huge thingy .... *rolling eyes* Anyway, I will see how far I can go.

Plans for the next six months? I don't say anything yet. Some of you guys know sth already, but I will tell you later, when everything is fix.

Ok, I promise to let you up-to-date. But I think there will be some days where I won't have a computer with "real" connections.

Sleep well!! Comments are welcome!!